Say Good Bye now

When a relationship ends or a person dies, the feeling of loss can be devastating. But there is a way to heal grief and loss that is incredibly relieving by talking to the soul of your former partner or deceased beloved.

The Modern world forgot

A therapeutic method was developed in the 1970s by German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger called Family Constellations, which is based on ancient shamanic principles and modern Western family systems therapy. This truly remarkable healing work allows you to communicate on a soul level with another human being. It is how you can say good bye to persons that are no longer in your life either because they have moved on without you, or they have died. A person doesn't have to be present physically for you to communicate with them, and for you to create closure so you can continue in your life in a good way.


In this modern and highly materially-based day and age, perceiving the non-physical - the spiritual aspect of life - is getting harder and harder to do even though the spiritual market place is flourishing worldwide. Many people are interested in the spiritual dimension of life. However, the problem is that spirituality is considered to be separate from your everyday life. This is a fallacy. The spiritual dimension underlies the material world. The non-physical is the source and substance of all physical manifestation. These two seemingly diametrically opposite spheres are singular in nature and cannot be separated. I've written extensively about this subject in my unbook #1 Go After True Freedom -- Beyond Self-Improvement & Personal Growth: Life Without Suffering Is Possible. You can read 92 pages for free, which you can access on my website's homepage. You'll also find a plethora of other helpful information, including the Testimonial Page.

Finding real Peace

I can help you talk with the soul of the person to whom you want to say a final good. You'll be able to communicate what you hadn't been able to say, forgot to say, or didn't dare to say. You will be in tune with this person on a soul level and will be able to hear him or her respond to you. Whatever was not conveyed or disclosed before can now be communicated. Once you've said what you needed to say, your grief and loss will release so that you'll be free of it. Assisting you to bring about this kind of closure and healing can be facilitated in one video healing session that is part of my 21-Day Quick Release Program.

Margot Ridler

I am a trained Family Constellation Work facilitator. Since the late 1990s, I've assisted men, women, and children say their final good bye to the people they love. I'd be honored to help release your pain and set you free from the grief, sadness, and loss you feel. On my website you will find details about my background and my credentials.

To Learn More

Please read through the page I created for you where you'll find detailed information about the 21-Day Quick Release Program: Say Good Bye Now. Thank you for your interest!

© Margot Ridler. All rights reserved.